Chapter 12 Sample surveys
Simulate a survey of 25 people taken from a population of size 200 with 2 types of people in the proportion 1:3.
This is equivalent to taking 25 draws from a box containing 50 1’s and 150 0’s.
Note: A survey is technically without replacement, but here we will approximate by the box model which assumes replacement.
12.1 Box model (assuming replacement)
- Draw the model (Ext)
digraph CFA {
# All
node [fontname = Helvetica, fontcolor = White]
# Box
node [shape = box, style=filled, color=SteelBlue4, width=2 label='50x1s 150x0s'][fillcolor = SteelBlue4]
a ;
# Sample
node [shape = circle, style=filled, color=IndianRed, width=0.5, label='-'][fillcolor = IndianRed]
b ;
# Draws
a -> b [fontname = Helvetica,label = '25 draws',fontsize=8]
b -> a [fontname = Helvetica,color=grey,arrowsize = 0.5]
- Define the box (mean, SD)
box=c(rep(1,50),rep(0,150)) # Define the box/population
n = 25 # Number of draws (sample size)
# mean & SD of box
meanbox = mean(box)
sdbox = popsd(box)
- The Sample Sum = number of 1’s in the sample.
- The Sample Mean = proportion of 1’s in the sample (EV & SE)
12.2 Bootstrapping a box model
- A survey of 10 people is taken from a population of size 200 with 2 types of people, resulting in 4 0’s and 6 1’s.
- In practise, we don’t normally know the proportions within the population, and so we can’t define the “box”.
- So one approach is to “bootstrap”: we substitute the proportions of 0’s and 1’s in the sample for the 0’s and 1’s in the population (box).
- This estimate is good when the sample is reasonably large.
# Bootstrap box model
boxest0 = 200*4/10
boxest1 = 200*6/10
box = c(rep(1, boxest1), rep(0, boxest0))
n = 10 # Size of sample (= number of draws)
# Mean & SD of box
meanbox = mean(box) # population proportion of 1's
sdbox = popsd(box)
# EV & SE of Sample Mean (= sample proportion of 1's)
Note the expected value of sample proportion of 1’s (0.6), is equal to the population proportion of 1s (0.6), as it should be.
Hence, we expect 60% 1s in the sample with a SE of around 15 percentage points.
12.3 Confidence Intervals for population proportion
A survey of 30 people is taken from a population of size 600 with 2 types of people in the proportion 1:2.
This is equivalent to taking 30 draws from a box containing 200 1’s and 400 0’s (assuming replacement).
Define the box (mean, SD)
box=c(rep(1,200),rep(0,400)) # Define the box/population
n = 30 # Number of draws (sample size)
# mean & SD of box
meanbox = mean(box)
sdbox = popsd(box)
- An approximate 68% confidence interval (CI) for the population proportion is \[\mbox{sample proportion} \pm 1 \times \mbox{SE for sample proportion} \]
# EV & SE of sample proportion of 1's
ev = meanbox
se = sdbox/sqrt(n)
# 68% CI
c(ev - 1*se,ev + 1*se)
- An approximate 95% confidence interval (CI) for the population percentage is \[\mbox{sample proportion} \pm 2 \times \mbox{SE for sample proportion} \]
- An approximate 99.7% confidence interval (CI) for the population percentage is \[\mbox{sample proportion} \pm 3 \times \mbox{SE for sample proportion} \]